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CBD Oil Capsules

CBD Oil Capsules

Health Mountain Hemp CBD Oil Capsules includes 300MG CBD (10 MG per dose), derived from pure hemp extract. Available as a tincture, it can be taken sublingually by placing under the tongue or can be mixed with your favorite food or beverage.

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Price: $49.99

THC-free CBD Gummies

The delicious easy to swallow, softgel CBD gummies is the easiest way to get our daily dose of CBD on-the-go, making it one of the bestselling alternatives.

  • Supplementation Include the formula in the daily diet as directed on the label in consultation with a nutritionist.
  • Diet & exercise Consume a nutrient-rich balanced diet & include cardio and strength training in your workout routine.
  • Hydration & Rest Drink sufficient water at regular intervals throughout the day & sleep for an optimum duration daily.
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